Game page live on steam, new biome and more!

It's been some time, but I have big changes to show : 

-visuals for a new biome, the clam plains. Only 2 levels (Chill blue shells/Follow that chest!) have been impacted yet, more will follow.

-Character can now dash diagonally. This comes in parallel to bugfixes about the dash going through walls in specific circumstances. If you encounter any bugs where you glitch through/inside walls, please let me know!

-Added new pearl collectibles you can only pickup while you carry the chest. They're only in a couple of levels so far but they'll propagate fast, believe me. 

-Added a victory animation when you finish a level.

And finally, the game now has a steam page! The demo will be added there as soon as I can, but you can already wishlist the game if you're interested (every wishlist goes a long way!). 

Steam page : 

I still have a lot of stuff to do before the game is complete, but it's gonna more fun from now on, I hope you'll enjoy it!

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Version 30 Jun 05, 2024

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